Info Session

1st Info Session of ORTHO-K.
Everyone is invited. All you need to do is to click this link for registration.

There will be a 15 minutes presentation, 20 minutes of discussion (you can ask all your questions in person) followed by a light refreshment.

We can only cater up to 25 people. So register soon! 🙂

How Safe is ORTHO-K?

Idea of Ortho-k (orthokeratology) isn’t new at all, and it actually started in 1960s by Dr.Jessen in USA.

With FDA’s approval in 1994 and 2002, Ortho-k has become a popular alternative to laser surgery both for kids and adults.

Statistics from 2006-2009 shows there are 390,000 happy users of ortho-k around the globe!






A number of studies have been conducted that address the safety of orthokeratology including the Children’s Overnight Orthokeratology Investigation (COOKI, Walline, 2008), Longitudinal Orthokeratology Research in Children (LORIC, Cho et al, 2005), Corneal Reshaping And Yearly Observation Of Nearsightedness (CRAYON, Walline, 2008), Stabilizing Myopia by Accelerating Reshaping Technique (SMART, Eiden et al, 2009), Overnight Corneal Reshaping (OCR, Lipson, 2009), and a study conducted at The Ohio State University (Bullimore, 2009). Each of these studies suggests that under controlled circumstances, ortho-k is safe. The results from the COOKI and CRAYON studies have concluded that 75 percent of children are capable of wearing corneal reshaping lenses. The SMART study is ongoing and will provide results for children ages 7 to 14 wearing ortho-k lenses for a five-year period. (Reference: Cary M. Herzberg, OD, FOAA “An Update on Orthokeratology” 3/1/2010)


Is ORTHO-K a safer solution than lasik surgery? Absolutely!

What is ORTHO-K?


Can you imagine the JOY of waking up in the morning and not having to wear glasses or contact lenses during the day? Your dream has come true. Exactly, you don’t need surgery for NEW VISION.

ORTHO-K is a non-surgical alternative of choice

to refractive surgery all around the world including the USA and the UK.  Approved by FDA, researchers in UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, University of Houston and other institutes have proven the effectiveness of this treatment.

The ORTHO-K procedure uses a series (most frequently one pair) of therapeutic contact lenses to massage (or give pressure to) the front curvature of the eye (cornea) to improve nearsightedness and astigmatism. Ortho-k lenses also controls myopic progression hence it is especially good for children.

The result of ortho-k can be permanent if you continue to wear these lenses, otherwise your improved eyesight could slowly return to your original refractive power, or close to it. It is very much like wearing dental retainers.


Opening of Joy ORTHO-K

Hi, thank you for reading this post, and thank you everyone who supported us to bring ORTHO-K to Pakistan.

We took off from our presentation on ORTHOKERATOLOGY in the annual ophthalmologist meeting in Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore in December 2012. Looking back those past ten months, team Joy Ortho-k realized how unforgettable and meaningful every positive feedback and advise in setting up the 1st ORTHO-K Clinic in Pakistan. We are very grateful!

On our opening ceremony, we had around 20 ophthalmologists in Lahore joined us at our setup in Y-block. Our chief executive officer warmly welcome everyone in her short and sweet speech. Then Dr.Shafiq presented an overview of orthkeratology and its emergence as a tool to control myopia. Dr. Maylee elaborated the theory of Ortho-k, and hosted the Q&A session. Questions regarding to oxygen permeability (ie. Why ortho-k can be worn overnight without harming the eyes) and safety for children (ie. Ortho-k would slow the progression of myopia without harming the physical development of children) were addressed, and the supporting researches have also been uploaded on our website now.

Dr. Qamar Ul Islam Lodhi generously graced his presence as our chief guest, and pointed out with the fact that if a child would like to be in the army, he would still not be eligible after refractive surgery. But with ortho-k, then he would have this career choice.

Our two ortho-k users, Rabiya and Nabeel shared their great experiences with Ortho-k to the ophthalmologists. Rabiya has been using ortho-k for about 2 weeks. She is happy that ortho-k can help her, who had come back wearing glasses as she is allergic to soft lenses after regularly using these lenses for 7 years.

In the demonstration session, ortho-k fitting was explained, performed, and evaluated under slit lamp by interested ophthalmologist. The unique design and material of ortho-k lens was carefully examined, and details have been shared on the website.

We would also like to thank Bubble Tea Co. for sponsoring drinks for us, and adding more joy to our ceremony!

Yes, we are officially here now!